Plastic Potters Melamine Plate

It established the tacky domestic
decor when money was tight
and infants crawled the floors ... [more]

Do Angels Eat?

I come down in the morning after a stormy, sleepless night and here’s this angel flopped in my garden like García Márquez’s old angel with enormous wings ... [more]

Renault 4

Our old Renault 4 - which is sinking up to its lug nuts
behind the piggery, white mould misting its windows,
a lichen-like efflorescence blooming on the dark blue
vinyl seats ... [more]

Contemplating the development of cubism from an altitude of 32,000 feet and an air speed of 625 miles-per-hour

Ogling her soft geometries through the frosty port
six miles up, puts me in mind of whirling through
the sculpture garden of the Kröller-Müller Museum ... [more]

  Website Alannah Moore